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Ask Oloris

Greetings, citizens of the Dominion. Once again, the office of the Dominion News Network has heard your queries and has given them to me to answer them, without knowing the identity of the questioner. I praise some of you for your genuine curiosity. Unfortunately, Galen’s light does not smile on all of you. Nevertheless, I have answered all of them, as is my duty.

Q: Oloris, Mechari-made lamps are really pretty. What's with those crystals, though?

A: I am no architect or interior designer, and generally do not pay attention to architecture beyond analyzing its position in each room I enter for various tactical reasons. However, I know that there are various crystals in our universe that emit light when energized, emulating the glow of exanite. As Mechari soulcores emit a similar glow, many of my kind prefer to use these when crafting light structures.

Q: DEAR OLO, my entire life I've only been attracted to members of my own species, but have recently found myself drawn to someone of another species entirely! I want to confess my affection, but I'm afraid - we are so different. What kind of future could we have? What if they don't feel the same? What if I break them?! My head says to keep these thoughts to myself and stay safe, but my heart says fortune favors the bold. What do you say?

A: Take precautions in your sexual endeavors if you are genuinely concerned about your strength in comparison to theirs, I trust you are wise enough to know the virtue of limits. As for love itself, you do not choose who you fall in love with, the chemical interactions in your brain that are completely outside of your control do. Outside of social stigma that may come if you were a Highborn or Luminai, as interspecies relations would terminate your branch of the bloodline, there is truly nothing wrong with what you desire. In fact, on Nexus, historically many of our settlers have had interspecies relations when it comes to Cassian and Draken. Do as you wish, just do not die in the process.

You are no benefit to the Dominion as a dead organic.

As an aside, before I answer this next round of questions, you are no benefit to the Dominion if you are brain-dead, either. Low intelligence levels are dangerous, take care you do not fall into a vat of acid, questioner number three.

It pains me to include these, but here we are:

-Oloris: why do chua smell bad?

Pollution, generally.

-Why can't Draken men stand upright?

I have not known any draken to be incapable of standing upright, I have never met a draken paraplegic.

-Why is Aster so pretty?

Her genetics possess the proper codes that result in symmetry that is pleasing to the eye.

-Why do boomerangs come back?

Their shape.

-At what point does sky become space?

Where atmospheric gases are no longer thick enough to support flight at speeds below orbital velocity.

-If quarks are sub-atomic particles of matter then why can they be manipulated the same way all forms of energy can be?

A question you should pose to the Evindra Institute, if you can find it. I am sure they would be pleased to educate you. Or, you can consult the article you clearly copied this question from in your efforts to challenge the knowledge of the Mechari.

-Question removed.

Back to the true purpose of this column, genuine curiosity, and advice, comes our last question for this week of broadcast.

Q: What kind of glass do I serve cheesewine in? Usually, I just hand them the whole bottle, but something tells me maybe it's supposed to go in something?


Maitre d'Mikros

A: General rules for etiquette would have you implement a wineglass for such occasions. However, Maitre, these rules were established as Cassian culture, and there is no such boundries in the dining habits of Draken. As cheesewine is a Draken beverage, you may follow your culture’s rules on the matter. Seeing how there is none that I know of, handing out the whole bottle is fine, unless you are worried about the economics of bartending. If that were the case, pouring cheesewine into any smaller container will offer more conservation of the resource and require patrons to pay multiple times for the content of the whole bottle.

That is the end of this week’s edition of the Dominion News Network’s advice column. As always, Dominus be with you, citizens.



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