Ask Oloris

Followers of the Dominion News Network, I apologize in the tardiness of this update, my other duties
have held higher priority as of late. However, I have found the time to answer some of your queries and assure you, that all such submitted inquiries shall be answered forthwith.
Question for Olo: It is well known that "neutral" trading groups like the Ekose and Grumpel often do business with both the Dominion and Exiles here on Nexus and elsewhere. Do you think the Dominion should take some action against these sentients? While not Dominion citizens, they are undermining the efforts of our empire here and elsewhere with their actions.
The exiles are trapped on Nexus in force, and their technology and military might pale in the comparison to the Dominion’s. Turning our weapons against neutral trading groups will merely cripple useful supply lines during our times of flux in establishing our new galactic capital. Rest assured, any aid traders could bring to the Exiles is insubstantial in the long run, and our enemy’s existence is terminal.
Dear Olo: What is black and white and red all over?
This is an advice column. Please submit appropriate inquiries, otherwise, you will be black and white and red all over.
Olo, I am a cassian, with a bit of an anger issue. Although I have hobbies and many other outlets, I can't seem to find anything to stay relaxed. Now it's affecting my job, what should I do?
As someone with personal issues relating to anger and fury, I offer you my sympathies, citizen. Personally, I have found either solitude and reflection in the form of meditation, or channeling of the wrath into combat training helps relieve the negative aspects of these emotions. However, if these are no help to you and it is truly affecting your performance in your duties, I recommend seeking the aid of a trained professional in these matters, whether that be a doctor or a therapist is left up to you.
"What is your favorite form of sustenance?" From "a Curious Cook"
When I consume organic material it usually comes in the form of military rations, high in caloric and energizing properties, low in appealing taste. However, if I were truthful, my favorite recreational food is chocolate pound cake with a glass of milk.
"I have a good job that pays well. But it's not what I want to do with my life. My dream job wouldn't pay as well, and I'd need to go to school to do that. What should I do?"
Misery will affect your performance and make you a poor worker, no matter how ‘good’ the job is. Invest in a career that will evoke the highest level of interest and performance from you and do yourself and the Dominion a favor.
For now, citizens, this is all that I can offer you to satiate your curiosity and aid your problems in life, as the editorial staff has asked me to hold some responses in reserve. Rest assured, they will be answered in time.
For now, Dominus watch over you, and Scions keep you.