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Dreadtalon Moot Report

The night started off with a bustling and busy crowd, plenty of faces from different Draken clans both familiar and new, young and elderly as well as other cultures present, Cassian, Chua, and Mechari all there to represent and come together for the Dreadtalon Moot. The moots held by the Dreadtalon Tribe have only recently flourished into a great success with the number of guest attendance, and the success should be well noted with the hard work of the tribe leaders dedication and their members in bringing about the preservation and continuance of the Old Ways within Draken society.

The Old Ways within Draken culture seem to be a little more savage to some with how wild and inappropriate the behavior of some can get, with some Draken choosing to openly state they ‘go commando’ or throw food at each other. However, amidst even some of this childish behavior, there are those who are more than beyond reasonable and civil despite the latter, with free cookies distributed by Rozovy Skaldsong which was particularly enjoyed by the Cassians when they finally managed to scale the Draken designed stone staircase.

Plenty of food and drink was present after everyone arrived at their preferred destination which seemed to be enjoyed by all as Akilos Stormslash told the tale of “Slaying of Mor’kdun.” Using the nearby fire and its smoke he weaved magic to give traditional visual displays for his tale of clans uniting to defeat a great dragon which threatened them all. Shortly after the story concluded, what’s a Moot without a sparring session? A few Draken decided to settle some differences or discover something about each other with some skillful displays of prowess while the Chua, Golah, decided to take a turn in culture sharing with a story of his own that came from a Chua novel known as “You’re Different and that’s Bad.” The story tells the tale of normal Chua family with one of their kits deciding to stray from their traditional ways and represents the struggle of maintaining the Chua traditional cultural identity.

After the stories had concluded, food and beverage consumed, victories celebrated and the night going on, the crowd started to go more into a dwindling size, the Moot still lasted on late into the night its success was more than explosive and I'm sure that the future will only bring more crowds and more connections of cultural understanding, prosperity, and tradition through the Dreadtalon Moots.

~Anonymous Draken



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