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Interview: Cryosia Omeganion; Rising Dominion Scientist

We all know the Dominion would be miles behind where it currently is now if not for the long strides our Empire’s races have taken logistically, socially, and most importantly, scientifically. From anti-air cannons to sophisticated shield systems, we owe much of our current status and survival as an intergalactic empire to the sciences, and the many researchers and engineers who make it happen. One such Dominion Researcher has caught the DNN’s eye and is showing us all what a bit of hard work, passion, and just pure metal can do, all while staying humble.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting with Cryosia “Cryo” Omeganion over a nice coffee and hearing not only about her scientific career, but getting to know this fascinating citizen on a more personal level. Activated in the Nexus Foundry only a year ago, this young Mechari has dedicated herself to serving and advancing the Dominion in any way she can.

A: Now Miss Omeganion, what brings you here to Nexus, after all, we each have reasons to be on this bizarre world. C: Well, I was actually activated here on the Nexus Foundry a little over a year ago. So you could say I've always been here.

A: Then it must be safe to conclude you are never truly homesick yes? C: That would be correct, yes. Nexus is all I've known, but home is what you make it. And I have chosen to make the best of things here on Nexus where the Dominion could use me the most.

A: That is always the best thing to do, push on in name of the good fight, isn’t it? C: Push on as in forward for the dominion in our growth technologically? Yes, it is.

A: What is it that you do on Nexus? C: I am a researcher, builder, and now a teacher at the Evindra Institute. I research hardlight technology, it's uses and applications, as well as how the eldan used it and how we can replicate what they did. I also research eldan technology to better understand how it works and learn what we can from them. I build my own hard light emitters and devices for various uses. I also am a researcher of primal technology and how it can be used with technology to reach new tiers of technology.

A: That sounds fascinating! Do you by any chance have a favorite piece of tech that you’ve made? C: As of now, my favorite piece would have to be the Holotech grenades. These are devices that are roughly the size of a hand grenade, but are portable hard light emitters. You set it to generate something via a console or chron that's linked to it and give it a toss. Once in the air, it'll hover and spin rapidly, emitting the light and generating the object around it. It'll only last for up to two hours, but it's more than enough to get the job done. I've used it on occasion to create a double of myself when I needed an extra hand in some experiments.

A: Smashing! Must be perfect for getting out of an awkward date no? *We both got a good giggle out of that.* C: It can be, but I don't use it for that. I use it for being in more than one place at a time, like being on the campus and in my labs at the same time.

A: A hard worker you are! That's an A+ quality, but of course, we are all more than just work. Word on the Holo is that you are also a member of -the- Junction Nexus, what's that like, for all of us who are unfamiliar. C: That I am. It’s a very nice environment to live in. It's Mechari only, as you might know, but it's where we can unwind without peeping eyes. Security there is second to none in my opinion. It also has facilities there that organics would be warned against approaching for their own safety that we Mechari use regularly, such as the acid baths and the info column. It also has it's own dedicated medical area for helping Mechari who have been damaged and are in need of repairs. It's also where I do most of my work, in the labs that have been provided to me there.

A: You’ve been given a place in what sounds like a sanctuary! C: That's an accurate description! A sanctuary for Mechari, to get away from the world for a while and be around their own kind. Very few organics are given free access to the Junction and they are screened personally by the Axis herself. And even then, they are only allowed it certain areas, again, for their safety.

A: It's very sweet to hear that you're quite the happy individual! Do you expect this happiness will continue, I mean, where do you see yourself in a year, what do you hope becomes of you and your career? C: In a year, I hope to have a lab dedicated to research and have the Holotech debugged of the point I can start sending it across the Dominion to help where needed. As well, I would like to find a way to reliably combine primal energy with technology to fully understand how it works and what we can do with it. And lastly, I hope to double the size of my classes in the EI, inspiring new engineers to build their dream devices.

*Rather reserved in her manner, she seems incredibly focused, something truly admirable*

A: Beautiful, well, just know that I, and the certainly the entirety of the Dominion, are rooting that you be a true and bright inspiration. Now, as the last question, what advice do you have for any aspiring engineers, inventors, what have you? C: My advice would be two things. One Never give up on a build. If you are working to build something and it just doesn't seem to be working, set it aside and work on something else for a while. Something completely different. A change in perspective can help you to have a clear mind and possibly see what it was that was preventing you from being unable to finish the first project. And secondly, don't be afraid or too prideful to collaborate with other engineers. As the saying goes, two heads are better than one. You might not be able to do a task by yourself but with a little help, you might just find the answer to your problems in a fellow engineer.

Afterwards, I guided her out of the building, exchanging the usual pleasantries. A true inspiration, and a charming character indeed! Let’s all hope to see more of Miss Omeganion’s work in the future.



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