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The Drunken Villa

My continuing exploration, for whatever scions whimmed reason I'm doing these, of more neutral locals, continues. This time I decided a night of clubbing was in order so I dressed in the most gaudily colored clothes and took my way out for Disco night at the Villa.

As expected the stench of exiles of all types was present. Were I not under disguise I'd be forced to turn my nose up and call an exterminator as there are more rodent problems here than a Chua collective. Still, what I do I do for you dear Citizen of the Dominion so that your curiosity may be peaked and you need not see these rather droll sights.

Rainbows and lights were all the rage this night on the dance floor. The Villa itself had found itself on a rather fond beach island that, were it up for sale, I might consider buying and turning into a warehouse for my extensive swimwear collection. Still, it was rather quaint I suppose if one is into such things with its glass walls, large bar, and extensive seating locations too.

The patrons were rowdy and dancing to that disco beat. Words like “Groovmarian” were all the rage that night. I dared not step on the dance floor for fear of giving myself away with the amazing dance moves that only a true Highborn could possess. My Eldan blood leaves me to move with a grace far beyond theirs. So instead I chose to sample the local bar.

The selection was fair and I took it upon myself to try a stronger drink, their Paranoid Lagoon I tried. It had vodka and brandy and some Grismarian blue substance. Perhaps I shouldn't have drank it for fear of my life in hindsight but I do this for you, dear Citizen of the Dominion. They had much more but I chose to nurse this as I endured the crowd. I did see some Draken show, but the club was predominantly aurin and mordesh it felt like with a smattering of others. I'm truly surprised the bar wasn't crowded by drunken granok much of the night.

My largest surprise though was seeing some C.O.G.S. Emblem wearing Chua show up to the bar and just wouldn't leave. The furry thing tried its way through the whole menu, showing there damnable high tolerance to such things. It did amuse me to see though his reactions to the shots infused with the primal elements. The little bugger was belching fire and ice at one point and growing flowers?! Whatever on Nexus do they do to those drinks? Good Dominion Citizen, is that what you want to be drinking? I dare say nae to such myself! In the end, the poor chua even needed help down the stairs. Who in their right mind leaves a bar at the top of a staircase with no railings? However, will drunkards get down without help? Ah well, I did not design this architecture and it's just one more strike against the safety standards of this place.

Soon enough I left having seen enough. There was no food to be had just lots of alcohol. I suppose that is what Exiles subsist on nowadays is it not? Alcohol, hugs, and dancing? But dear Dominion Citizen should you find a need for a club seek out something much closer to Illium, like Club Eclipse! An excellent Friday night choice that I adore and highly recommend. Till the next time, For the Dominion!

(( OOC Note: This is written a bit tongue and cheek from the view of a very snobbish highborn in disguise at a cross faction local and written in part as anti-exile propaganda. No feelings are intended to be hurt via this writing. The reality of it this is an excellent place to go and I enjoyed my time there very much. The plot is that of Sundancer Mirthwood and she opens up most Tuesday nights at 9pm est and goes till around Midnight or until the music stops. DJ Sunny is the live DJ for the event who speaks as well and even takes requests during the event too. Themes, such as this was a Disco night, are common and the guests dress to the theme as well. It's a very light and friendly atmosphere that was very light on the Dominion / Exile tension though the occasional glance and mild threatening glance was still present. I did see some tension and I also saw some getting over some of their issues as well, though actually showing progress and having to work at it too. Yay for good RP and not just simply accepting just because they are there. The owners though wouldn't tolerate anyone fighting on the property naturally. It was predominantly Exile but throughout the evening some from the Dominion did pass on through. Even if the local isn't your place do check out DJ Sunny for live stream music on Tuesday nights at 9pm est - for the music. ))



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