Know Your Enemies: Citizen's Guide to Aurin

The "cute, fluffy, and gentle" is the facade of the Aurins, which their enemies would underestimate them before being cut down in a quick and deadly attack. The two notable physiology of Aurin are their tails and ears. Ranging from large rabbit ears to small angelic wings, these variations of ears are results of their niche in living on various terrains across Arboria. An example would be a large eared Aurin may have came from wide open plains while a small-eared Aurin would benefit from heavy vegetations of wood. It is important to take note that these evolutionary traits do not apply in most cases, which the Aurin from different terrains would mingle with those living in new lands in cases of migrations across the planet and current habitat onboard crowded ships in recent times. The same traits evolved from the environment would apply to their skin color, which various pictures on this article included many Aurin with various skin coloration. However, all of the Aurin members have large and hairy tails that usually have rings of their clan affiliation. According to the Collegium and studies made on Arboria along with "anonymous" sources, the Aurin were descended from marsupials, giving them prehensile tails, and internal reproductive organs.
As for diet, the Aurin's main food source consists of vegetables, though they do not avoid consumption of meat based on their fangs and hunting activities.

The other notifications of Aurin are that they are one of few species who have strong connections with Primal Energy, or the "Weave" as they refer to the unique Primal Life phenomenon. This energy allows them to connect with the trees as one would treat sentient beings along with unifying their species as a whole without concerns over distances.
The relatively unified Aurin were ruled over by the royalty while individual communities choosing their own Matrias as a symbol of autonomy.
The history of the Aurin is very recent, compared to older members of the Exiles fleet since their collaboration with Exiles began two decades ago. When the Exiles fleet made rest on Arbroria, the two groups began to establish mutual trade agreements.
Since then, the Aurins would be provided with technology in exchange for supplies that the Exiles desperately need. There are also speculations that the Exiles may have deceived the Aurin into refusing to turn them over to Dominion while playing with their ignorance on the virtues of Dominion citizens. In addition, the Exiles—specifically the Black Hoods—may have left a signal on Arboria for the Chua explorers to create chaotic circumstances for Aurin to join the Exiles.
While I have no love for the Chua's actions on Arboria as it cost a valuable member to the Dominion along with various data on its wildlife, I also note that the Arborians are also guilty for harboring the Exiles even when given a warning of harsh consequences for doing so.
In 1656 AE, the planet of Arboria was subjected to ravaging when they refused to hand over their allies in exchange for rewards. Any attempts to repulse the Dominion with their primitive weapons perished in their futile actions against them.
As a result of massive deforestations by the Planet Reapers, many Aurins who survived the ordeal were forced to call upon the Exiles as their fleet were forced to react to the results of their "reckless" actions. Despite the massive evacuations and actions against Dominion Fleet in support to the Reapers, not many Aurin made it out of Arboria while having to engage in ongoing guerilla warfare for their now ravaged planet.
Aurin are noted for their skills in ambush and agility based warfare, as they have been known to be Spellslingers or Stalkers. In recent times on Nexus, many Aurin have taken up heavy weapons and combat robots in their rebellion against the Dominion.
The main counter to the Aurin is to remain vigilant and bring the weight of offensive power to them as their agility left them vulnerable to powerful and accurate attack. Their hit-and-run tactics would prove useless against heavily armored citizens, but those in a defensible position with powerful range weapons can take advantage of accuracy and large ammunition supplies to defeat the speedy Aurin. In the case of close range ambush, the citizens are advised to charge at the ambushing Aurin as their surprise and inability to retreat quickly can spell doom for them.
While Aurin are masters at sneak attacks, they are not as adaptable in trying to defend from being ambushed by a cunning citizen. A Chua with assortments of tools of destruction—preferrably a veteran of Arboria Ravaging—on standby would be optional.
In summary, the Aurin's agility based combat can be defeated with an aggressive approach to their ambush origins and utilization their same tactics that would cause the Aurin to find difficulty in countering them.
I give credit to DNN and Royal Collegium for this article series, which I will finish the Exiles part of the Know Your Enemies series with the descendants of those who rebelled against the