Simple Distinctions- A Kalissitorial

War can only be highlighted by the small pockets of peace that bubble up in conflict. However, even in times of peace, there are still smaller wars to be fought. Dominion citizens are told to be forever vigilant because even though there may not be any threats from the Exile scum, there are still marauders, criminals,- both war criminals and crime syndicates-, and traitorous factions that only wish to stir up more trouble within these fine cities.
Who is it everyone looks to in these times of danger, stress, and even in peace? Groups tend to build themselves upon helping the community, and some, to their credit, are more than just mere muscle, chasing bad guys for a buck. No, these aren’t just some run of the mill bounty heads or mercenaries, these are organized groups that make their mission not only to protect the Dominion citizens when the legions cannot, but to support the community with their time and their charity.
Is this to say that all mercenary groups are just mindless killing machines for money that will just go with the highest bidder? No, most of these groups are the exact opposite. They have people they care for, families to feed often times, but at the end of the day, they follow the money.
Groups that, for all intents and purposes, do not follow the concept of just fighting for money, are these great few that follow the formula of good citizenship while maintaining an air of protection while doing so. Most of these people, be it Cassians, Draken, Chua, and Mechari, are in the fight for not only their personal gains but to make Nexus a better place for the Dominion public.
While it would be easy to name off these groups, that’s not the purpose of this short article. What is the purpose, though, is to make sure that everyone is aware there are still good people in the Dominion besides those loyal to the legions; that there are people willing to not only fight for the citizens, but help them in any way they can. These people are willing to break bread with everyone, sit in church with us, and call us family. There’s not much else to this, other than saying, “Thank you,” to them.