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Astoreth Dunemaw; A Learning Leader

Have you ever been pushed into a leadership position, perhaps you weren’t quite ready, or maybe it has been, or still is, an unpredictable and stressful affair; or did you take on the task with pride, take the situation by the horns, and pick up the necessary skills almost instantly?

Astoreth Dunemaw, a young and passionate Drakeness, came to Nexus seeking a way to make her mark. A fighter, a friend, and a community leader, Astoreth has certainly done so in her time here.

A.B.: What brings you to Nexus, Miss Dunemaw?

A.D.: I traveled here first in the company of my younger sister Ejava; she was in search of exploration and adventure, and we both sought to make our marks outside of our homelands. Ejava has since traversed further across the stars, but I have found Nexus to be not exactly a comfortable home, but a good home nonetheless.

A.B.: What have you been doing since then, and has it been hard being away from family?

A.D.: I miss my sisters dearly, there are two others who traveled with us, and who are also on other adventures now; but I have been quite occupied with the Dreadtalon Tribe. The Tribe is my family away from my clan. Draken are intensely social creatures, of course, and the Tribe's intent is to provide a sense of community for those who have left their clan behind on Mikros, like myself, these days. I am one of their leaders, and it is practically a full-time job.

A.B.: What is the community in Dreadtalon Tribe like?

A.D.: Friendly and supportive. We are family; we quarrel and tease, but we also aid and teach and support each other. There are three councilors leading the tribe; Jazad, Voidwitch Nishka, and I, we work together to ensure our tribe mates are well cared for. We encourage our members to help and teach each other as well. Each week on Monday night we have a moot bringing together all of our members and friends for feasting and fellowship, strengthening our bonds and reaffirming our commitment to each other. As I have said… I miss my own sisters, but I have gained many more siblings, and it is wonderful.

A.B.: Has it been difficult picking up the role you've been given?

A.D.: At times, I am still young for a draken. It can be intimidating when elders come to me, seeking advice. But all of our tribe is generous and cooperative. It has been difficult, but it also feels good, and right; and I am glad to lead and serve.

A.B.: Dreadtalon Tribe has its monthly tournament... What is it like having to run such an event alongside being a head of the entire community?

A.D.: It is exhilarating! And there are many who come together to make the tournaments a success. Jazad does most of the prep work; advertising, building the roster. Our friend Golah Jo announces - he is not of the Tribe himself, of course, but we are glad for his support! And of course our competitors are top-notch, demonstrating some of the best the Dominion has to offer. They are a highlight of each month for the tribe and, for our many friends as well.

A.B.: Well… the more formal and business things aside, what do you do on your own time? How do you relax or just carry out an average day?

A.D.: In my free time? I enjoy reading, watching holovid programs, swimming, and spending time with those closest to me. Average days? there is no such thing. Every day brings new challenges, new problems and new solutions. And I love it.

A.B.: Well, things have been going quite well for you! But I should ask, has anything ever made you regret coming to Nexus?

A.D.: Not a thing. Oh, there have certainly been troubles. But I would not exchange the adventures I have had and the friends I have made for anything.

A.B.: Is there any adventure that you consider the most memorable?

A.D.: My first time fighting in a tournament. I entered on pure impulse, and was not certain I would perform well. But I not only surprised myself with my good performance, I won the tournament! The last round of that tourney, against a skilled mechari, is one I will remember forever. It introduced me to many new friends, and was the first time I felt truly at home on Nexus.

A.B.: To wrap this up, what do you have to say for any Citizens who are striving to be in a position of leadership, or those who are starting out?

A.D.: Every good leader needs strength, wisdom, courage and compassion. No one will have all of these qualities in great amounts naturally when they begin, so one must work to cultivate them. One must never stop. I am not aged, and I am not perfect... but this I have learned, and it has served me well.



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