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Feeding Nexus: A General Informative on Agriculture

As Spring approaches and Summer looms, I saw rural families near my estate cultivating the lands of Nexus with an assortment of crops. While Auroria remains the most productive farmlands in Dominion-controlled territories on Nexus, I have witnessed Ellevar's prosperous agriculture over two years of my duty as a biologist who surveys the land that provided side benefits in learning the fertility for future cultivation and new crops.

These well-versed families have learned their trades either from agriculture guidebooks or familial agricultural wisdom with origins that even stemmed before the founding of Cassian Commonwealth. To celebrate this farming season, this article is to inform on crops and livestock of the Dominion.

The major aspect of agriculture is the crop, which allows energetic civilizations to obtain sustenance in larger amounts for a shorter time, rather than constantly hunting and gathering. Although cereal crops like wheat and barley are still being cultivated en masse, the farmers on Nexus has been introduced to these new strains;

Crowncorn: This crop is related to Cassian corns, which isn't that ironic since “Crown” in Crowncorn was based on its silk blooming on top of the cob like a crown. Like corn, Crowncorn is versatile as the source of food ranging from popcorns to bread.

Honeywheat: This new wheat was first discovered by explorers in north-east of Auroria, which its namesake originated from its sweet taste from Buzzbing hives' honey seeping into the soil. As a result, the flour from Honeywheat generally requires little to no sweetener in baking goods.

Stoutroot: This tuber crop is known for its large version of potato, but surface rather than root based crop. They are usually eaten in fried, baked, boiled, mashed, or put in stew.

Grimgourd: Similar to Cassian pumpkins and squashes, these crops are not actually different from the non-Nexus varieties. Most people would be reminded of Grimgourd as Shade's Eve decoration. Almost every part of Grimgourd is edible that it can be eaten in forms ranging from roasted seeds to pies.

Pummelgranate: Large fruit with a notable physiological trait of it hanging below from a stem. It has been eaten as a dessert, but juices made from Pummelgranate has been a popular variety.

Glowmelon: This melon variety is named for its bright gold color of its flesh and rinds. In popular etiquette, the Glowmelon is cut and had its flesh eaten from wedges.

Flamefrond: A vegetable similar to red cabbage, except its leaves' orange trim that made it look like burning flame. It is usually boiled or cooked as part of a meal, but it can also be eaten raw as a salad.

Heartichoke: Many of new explorers mistook Heartichoke as flower since its feature is similar to flower except its bulb is actually an edible solid part. Known for its role as side dish to meals and salads.

Octopod: This crop has unique features of brown skin and green interior, which is formed of thick leaves that formed itself into a rose-like bulb. Its similarities with Cassian onions is based on its purpose as seasonings and deep-fried Octorings. Not only these crops provide food, but also medicine for the new settlers. In addition to feeding the populace, the crop cultivation also supplemented the budding livestock industry with byproducts like hay and straws.

Although pastoralism played on a marginally smaller role than farming in Dominion rural culture, nonetheless livestock raising has played an important role for many settlers. The meat, milk, hides, and manure from the domesticated livestock created an incentive for many Lowborn farmers and few Highborn landowners to venture into ranching economy.

Although livestock raising has been part of Cassus since it's settlement, the concept of free range ranching has been uncommon notions among the citizens until the wide open space of Nexus pasture popularized it. As a result, many ranchers tend to raise these livestock animals:

Roan: A well-known cattle breed, these creatures are the mainstay of a pastoral economy besides Rowsdower. The unique features of Roan are their long snouts, long brown or gold furs, and two horns.

Rowsdower: They are known for their drooping faces, horns, and white wool covering their entire bodies, along with its dimwitted intellect. Rowsdower is one of many common domestic animals due to its prodigious wool growth rate and ease in raising. Although many cultures have raised Rowsdower for many millenniums, they are known to be difficult to reproduce. A song is required to be sung on right moment in the mating season.

Oxian: Although considered as beasts of burden, Oxian are also raised to provide meat and dairy. The features of Oxian are their blue skin, horns, and multiple keratin plates on its face. Although the majority of domesticated Oxian came from Dominion controlled planets, many native Oxian has been spotted on Nexus by the observing scientists of Collegium. Oxian is also one of many adaptable domestic species based on large varieties of them exists based on the regions they were raised on, even if they turn feral after escaping from stockade.

Cubigs: These new porcine species has been introduced to Nexus by Protostar's agricultural division in order to meet the demands for bacon (note: the crispy layered belly meat, not cured meat). Its square body is the result of Protostar's genetic tinkering to ease transportation by allowing them to be stacked. Although there are male Cuboars and female Cubig Sows who can reproduce naturally, most of the Cubigs are cloned from a non-clone sample in processing facilities. Although they are kept in confines of Protostar “farms”, all of the wild Cubig population traced from breeding pairs that escaped from Protostar farms.

In addition to food source and resource providers, these species also used in other areas. Oxian is generally used as draught animals for its immense strength that allows them to pull carts. Roan and Rowsdower are used by creative gardeners to cut grass without having to rely on maintenance-heavy mowers. On the other hand, Cubigs are generally bred to serve as optimal meat producers. Though they are often used in the medical field, C

ubigs have several interesting aspects that allow the dominion's finest to continue their research.

In conclusion, domestic livestock provides both food and labor source for the Dominion frontier.

I hope that this provided citizens with knowledge of agricultural plants and animals of Dominion on Nexus in time for spring. This article gives thanks to House Dalakan, Royal Collegium, and Dominion News Network for sponsor.



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