Know Your Enemies: A Citizen's Guide to Exiles Human

Many citizens know the tale of a civil war that almost tore the Dominion apart after Jarec's declaration of Eldan as deities, were violently rejected by the ancestors who later were driven to the Fringe on their ramshackle starships until the discovery and later conflict over Nexus.
These banished cousins of the Cassian race would become known as Human, which they choose that term to stray from their origins from Cassus. Although their physiology is similar to the normal Cassian, particularly those with little to no Eldan blood, their generations-long life aboard the ships made them more resistant to space madness and cryo sickness along with ailments brought on by extended periods in space.
Genetic samples from the prisoners showed surprising amounts of genetic diversity despite having reputation for “cousin marriage” from their limited founding population with exceptions to many Highborn families to “keep their Eldan blood”. Like all baseline humans, they possess mammalian traits (distinct sexual dimorphism, mammaries on female, live-birth, and warm-blooded) but the average Exiles Humans tend to be rough.
When Jarec the Vigilant took the throne after the death of his father in 1376, his reign became the landmark for the Dominion civilization when all communications with Eldan were lost. In his deduction on the Eldan's disappearance, Jarec declared the divinity of the Eldan through the set of doctrines known as Vigilant Declaration that would lay the foundation of the Vigilant Church.
According to Jarec's new decree, it officiated the Eldan disappeared due to ascension to godhood and their Luminai Scions were to be worshiped as exemplary of six virtues: Azion's strength, Tristan's courage, Korol's devotion, Galen's wisdom, Bronos' justice and Evindra's purity.
These virtues would become the six houses where the Highborn families can trace origins of their lineage from the supplementary Ancestral Decree as the children of the Luminai were elevated from the embrace towards Vigilant Church.
Not many Cassians were fortunate when the Ancestral Decree was declared, as significant numbers of the population without Eldan ancestry would become known as Lowborn. The early period of Jarec's reign was not kind to this new caste compared to now. Strife broke out as both Highborn and Lowborn began to fight amongst each other.
Then, Admiral Serrick Brightland chose to further disrupt the unity rather than pacify the chaos. Brightland and his subordinate officers led a mutiny that devasted the Dominion warships during his so-called “Brightland Rebellion”.
Eventually, Brightland's rebels began to run out of replacements for their losses while the Dominion managed to divert its vast resources to reorganize their fleet with the command being given to Serrick's former protege, Caeson Aurelius.
Near the end of the Rebellion, Serrick Brightland's fleet was positioned behind the planet on the Fringe until Caeson Aurelius' fleet assail upon them. Despite the initial advantage over the beleaguered rebels, Serrick ordered his flagship—Star of Dominus—which came towards the fleet as the Dominion warships were unable to target the cowering rebels. Then Brightland's battleship engaged its drive to escape from battle, which various sources stated that the wounded admiral was placed in cryogenics with the battleship was coined Gambler's Ruin in honor of the bold move.
Since then, many of the rebel descendants would live on the Fringe in dilapidated ships while Jarec began to improve the lives of citizens—particularly the Lowborns—until his untimely death which would postpone these reforms. The discovery of Nexus would mark new contentions as the children of Cassian Civil War would meet upon the surface of Nexus.
Exiles are generally adaptable in combat methods, which range from nimble ambusher to heavily armored stalwarts. While they lack the industrial capability of a civilized planet, let alone a collection of them under a banner, their piracy and refurbishment skills allow them to create powerful weaponry and create ambush tactics with traps while withdrawing in intense conflict.
The setbacks in Galeras demonstrated the tenacity of the Exiles as they repulsed every attack by the Dominion with defenses and raids against the command structure. They would meet their stalemate at Whitevale when they were stopped in the middle of the region as they try to drive away the Dominion Legions. They have also dabbled into Eldan technology, which concerned the Dominion due to their sacrilege to the artifacts, possible super weapons acquisition, and various accidents that caused harm to themselves.
It is quite difficult to generalize a tactic to fight back an Exile human since he or she would utilize combat that any military unit would use. However, it is important to note the existence of Exiles human as FCON (Free Companies of Nexus), troopers and militia personnel since the latter were generally ill-trained and ill-equipped compared to the former.
As a result, a commander with any competence would easily defeat ad-hoc defenders of Exiles position before taking cautions on meeting the FCON reinforcements or booby traps in the conquered territories.
In addition, the Dominion citizens should create a countermeasure against Exile's ambush and possibly trap positions, such as kill zones in narrow passages or “abandoned” houses filled with traps.
Finally, the citizens would need to take caution in underestimating the Exile Humans unless they wish to face defeat.
In summation, Exiles humans are descended from the rebels that took part in Brightland Rebellion and lived on ramshackle ships before the discovery of Nexus. Their tactics are generalized with emphasis on improvising any resources and hit-and-run tactics, which their similar warfare techniques can be recognizable enough to provide a counter maneuver.
This concludes the Exiles part of Know Your Enemies series, which was sponsored by DNN and the Royal Collegium to inform the public on the enemies of the Dominion. I hope I have informed you citizens in defending the Dominion with these articles.