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Attack On Gold Legion

With growing rumors of the local Junction suffering security leaks, and the Axis unavailable for confirmation, the following was procured from a source from Gold Legion.

From early April: ‘Sargent Sigmanex was discovered one block south of her home in the eclipse city block. A call from her chron alerted the local station of a situation and troopers Spronks, Bloodsand, and Smith were first on the scene.’

Reports further noted that a dozen burned corpses, likely from grenade detonation, were found littering the scene.

Sigmanex is rumored to have sustained several high caliber bullet wounds to her legs and chest and a dozen impact wounds to her face and core. The report fails to confirm such injuries but these were matched to the weapons found on the fallen attackers.

Attackers DNA and search concluded they were members of House Reinland. Medical reports from the the surviving attacker of House Reinland state that there is low chance of recovery as Lana Reinland is on life support with 3rd degree burns all over her body.

Search and Seizure orders found the entire residence of said house empty save for domestic animals. Digital investigations revealed that they had communication with a Justin Mosengaw, among other untraceable comms.

‘Furthermore their accounts showed a large deposit from the accounts of one Khaja household. Following that lead it is found that Mosengaw is a vassal house of the more powerful Khaja’s.’ Warrants were issued at that time for members of both houses and Mosengaw.

Radiant Legion Updates: Mosengaw has been apprehended and was handed down a sentence at the Sanctuary as part of the Vigilant Trials. He was given a life sentence for resisting arrest, conspiracy to commit murder and treason.



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