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Gmart Eating Contest Night!

Results are in! The contest of Digestive Wills was held the third week of May. Located at G-Mart Shopping Conglomerate owned by the BusinessChua Golah Jo.

The contest hosted food from Fortunate Trinkets cereal, raw eggplants, Fuel Station hot dogs of questionable age, green health shakes, pancake batter, and meat cubes. All set on repeat as the rounds progressed.

With the losers ending up in triage or crying over the toxic river, the winners moved forward to end in the final round of Grizati versus Rosey Winters. Where the final food was the marshmallows from everyone’s favorite cereal, Fortunate Flakes, sold at G-Mart.

Freelance interviewer, Baropho Cliffterror was hosting and asked the following?

BC: That was a good hiccup...that’s gonna be a mess soon! Rosey, give us an interview! What was going through your mind, what amazing plans do you have.

Rosey Winters: Uh! I...I was--..I was...I

Golah Jo: What is favorite food? What is least favorite food? Does plan to vomit or wait it out and face the aftermath?

Rosey Winters: ..I was just--trying think much...Because that’s--I worry a lot…

BC: What are you going to do with the winnings?What’s your favorite restaurant? How did you train for this glorious victory?

GJ: Is there a ‘mister iron stomach’ in the picture? What is morning routine? What is idea of perfect vacation?

Rosey Winters: I...I came here a new hat...uh--I guess I eat...with my mouth? ...At regular intervals.

BC: You hear is here first folks! Eat with your regular intervals!!



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