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Megadroids: Nexus' First Outsiders?

Previously, I wrote on the theory of this giant automaton wreckage as the source of signals that gave the Freebots their sentience that is similar to every civilized living being. When the planet of Nexus was rediscovered it brought many interstellar civilizations there, these gigantic robots were seen across Nexus. These relics—or Megadroids—dated back to the time when Eldan were still on the planet that might make them as the first, if not one of possible few, non-Nexus species to arrive on Nexus. Unfortunately, their presence on this planet was short lived as the formerly-active planetary defenses destroyed them in short time. Despite their “death” status, the scientists discover that they resonate signals that still broadcast even today. In addition, these signals are similar to the Freebot's system that it created a new possibility of these sentient bots as the successors to the Megadroids. Due to the unique signals that may have provided Freebots with free will, it may still prove valuable to engineers and possibly biologists on the viability of sentient mechanical lifeforms.

Despite considered as “extinct” from lack of any pieces of evidence based on their origins and living examples, the many intact remains of Megadroid still share features of mechanical humanoids. They are fifty meters high, its back contains a separate power pack to possibly energize the Megadroid when they were alive. Their chassis' materials had been made with unknown alloys that still withstand the elements through millenniums. Their limbs include arms with four digit fingers and feet without toes. The body itself is powered by complex circuitry that resembles arteries and veins, which the speculation and tests showed an immense amount of dexterity for a giant mechanoid. Their possible complex posture had been further proven by containment of gyro stabilizer and pistons to support its movement without falling down. In addition, the arms are also capable of lifting weights above their body weight despite their fingers' capability to do delicate tasks.

One speculation is that they are somehow powered by large sources of energy or maybe energized versions of Primal Energy. The cranial sections, which I looked through the notes on Wilderrun's Megadroids, which contain enough memories to store every data they analyzed from visual, auditory, and even sensory. Their head area also has humanoid features, like optical sensor as eyes and communicator as a mouth. The screws on side of their heads also contained auditory sensors that act as its ears.

The speculations of Megadroids has been based on scraps of Eldan archives and archaeological evidence, but this evidence has provided enough contexts on their movements when they were still alive. The Eldan's archives told of the battle between the Annihilator robots and Megadroids, which the locomotion of latter is described even if it ended with former's victory. This also compounded to the mysteries on the Nexus' first outsiders.

As I look through documents on Megadroids, which I happen upon a group of Freebots who worshiped a Megadroid remains in Whitevale. Unlike the other Freebot communities, who are known for their friendliness, this group—particularly the Grand Poohbot—were known to be hostile to both biological and mechanical sentients who are not part of their group. They also take a radical approach to spreading their message through violence against non-believers and dismantling their own body to maintain their local Megadroid “father”.

I do not see that as vindication to Protostar's propaganda against Freebots since many cultures also boast their own virtuous and radical members that paint their images as a whole. In addition, the Protostar themselves also try to muddle the Freebots' reputation by failed attempt to mind control local bots as part of false flag operations in order to cause friction between Freebots and their "customers" (i.e.- organic sapiens).

Furthermore, the cult of Megadroid ended with the “deactivation” of the Grand Poohbot during a hostility with an outsider. This furthers the evidence of Megadroid theory on Freebots' sentience, but I tend to take the word and action of the cult with extreme caution in terms of credibility. On the other hand, the correlation between the radical teachings of Megadroic cult and the strong signals of their “god” in their “temple” has been too similar enough to simply leave it as coincidence. Further study will be done to confirm the theory on the Megadroid's signal as source of Freebots' free will. This would not have been possible to report to the readers, if not for sponsorship of DNN and Royal Collegium.



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